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Dare to take the road less travelled…

Two Roads seeks to disrupt traditional methods by offering novel means
to address Major Programmes’ greatest challenges

Strategic Advisory

We are dedicated to overcoming the pitfalls of traditional major programme management

Major Programmes Experts

All our partners have extensive experience in major programme delivery

Backed by Research

We use novel approaches drawn from academic research to solve complex issues

Our vision

Two Roads is inspired by the crossroads facing major programmes – the tried and trodden path with its relentless shortcomings, and the divergent one, dedicated to the application of novel approaches leading to major programme success. 

Our focus

Conventional major programme delivery is highly problematic and has a dismal performance record in terms of costs, schedule, and benefits. Performance is therefore Two Roads primary focus.

We combine rigorous academic research and practical expertise

We apply a systems theory lens across the complex landscape of our clients’ major programmes to ensure maximum stakeholder value.
Our approach is grounded in the latest academic research and wide international expertise thanks to our access to cutting-edge resources via our Oxford University Business Alumni network.

The Sectors we cover…

“…it is becoming more and more evident that the major problems of our time – energy, the environment, climate change, food security, financial security – cannot be understood in isolation. They are systemic problems, which means they are all interconnected and interdependent.”

Capra & Luisi, 2014

Let’s work together to make your
major programme a success.